Create a Home Office That Suits Both Your Style and Your Space

It’s undeniable that work life has changed, especially over the past few years where the place we call home has somewhat become an office space, too. This doesn’t just apply to people who work one hundred percent remotely, meaning content creators or tech enthusiasts who only need a laptop and a flat surface, but also to those who used to work in an office setting and have been forced to work from home on account of developments that many prefer to forget.

But in these crazy times, the fortitude and resilience of humans have really shone through and paved the way for a whole new way of living and working. Like so many things in life, what started out as something tough and arduous has opened the doors to the beauty of flexibility and creating a space you feel comfortable in. There are a few key things to bear in mind when planning to construct or renovate your home office, let’s dive in.

Let the Light In

So many people are currently working from home or spending two to three days of the week in a home office setting. For those people who can allocate their time wisely and push through in terms of discipline, it may not matter too much exactly where they work—be it on the couch or at the pool. But for the majority of employees, it’s quite a challenge to construct one’s day and stick to a schedule, without the boss breathing down your neck and keeping everyone in line. 

A really sound tip is to wake up early and let the light in, literally. Choose a room in your house with big windows that allows sunlight to brush your face every morning. There are renowned studies on Vitamin D hitting your face, and especially your eyes, to wake up your body and get you moving in the right direction. Sunlight hitting your corneas first thing in the morning may do even more good for your system than that cup of coffee you love. Once you’ve got that sorted, you can focus on the business side of things, like reaching out to your network, finalizing your business plan, and maybe even hiring a local marketing consultant to advise you on a marketing strategy. It’s all about making small steps in the right direction.

Improvise with a Capital I

Since it’s a home office and not a space paid for by the company (unless you’re very lucky), the goal is to keep it in a financially viable bracket. Jot down what you may need and then make a budget. Once you’ve done that, it’s time to go around the rest of your house and see whether you can repurpose any of the items you already have. Use that extra chair that has been standing aimlessly in the TV room as a stool for your new home office, find garage sales in your area to visit and get some great deals, or ask friends and family whether they may have something you could use either in their homes or in storage. You’d be surprised what people may gift you.

Another great thing that falls under improvisation is posters and paintings. Seeing something beautiful or motivational as you walk into your home office can really make a difference to your day. Kind of like a mood board, but without all the mood. Simply choose an inexpensive painting that symbolizes what you hope to achieve, an image that gives you a reason to work hard and efficiently. It shouldn’t be something about money or anything that’s vapid, but rather a view of a place of object that fills your soul with joy—that’s the best way to kick off your day.

Balance is King

Of course, you’re going to want to feel comfortable in your home office. But, it’s essential not to feel too comfortable. Let’s explain. When you decorate a room with plush pillows, soft fabrics, and finely woven blankets, your body may assume that it’s nap time—and not work time. Balance is key here as the perfect office has ergonomic furniture and a custom style, but should still give your senses a nudge in the right direction. Make a list of absolute essentials that you believe you can’t do without, and then pass this list to a friend or loved one to see which items they agree on, meaning that you may think something is a must-have but you could be so much more productive without it. Just a thought.

The basics of working from home are quite well known: don’t work in your bed (if you can avoid it) as one should have an allocated workspace, keep your device on one side, and try not to look at it for a set period of time, and set an alarm for specific times of day, like lunch or break time. But there’s a huge difference between knowing something and actually implementing it. To make something a habit, you’re going to want to be compassionate and patient with yourself.

There’s no use having the perfect home office, but not doing your best work in there or being too stressed to enjoy anything. Give yourself time to adjust to working from home and carve out time to also leave your home office, walk in nature, or do some stretches in another room. Work is only one part of life and your space should suit the future you, the person who you aspire to be.


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